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Rajan Chawla

Rajan Chawla

Rajan Chawla

Sunrise Energy: Solar Power Project
- Procuring education on consulted assurance in do.
- Northward by described up household therefore attention.
- Excellence decisively nay man yet impression for contrasted remarkably.

Transforming Communities
- Procuring education on consulted assurance in do.
- Northward by described up household therefore attention.
- Excellence decisively nay man yet impression for contrasted remarkably.
Hi, I'm Pradeep

● Represented clients in disputes related to infrastructure projects and tender processes, focusing on regulatory compliance and contract disputes.
● Defended clients in cases involving financial fraud, embezzlement, and black money, achieving favorable outcomes in complex litigations.
● Handled a range of criminal cases, from minor offenses to serious crimes, at the High Court of Delhi and the Supreme Court of India, often securing favorable judgments.
● Represented clients in domestic and international arbitration, specializing in commercial disputes and providing strategic advice and advocacy.
● Advised on family succession disputes and service law issues, including inheritance rights and employment-related disputes.
- Bachelor of Laws (LL.B), [Name of Law School/University]
- Bachelor of Arts (B.A), [Name of University]
- Bar Council of Delhi
- High Court of Delhi
- Supreme Court of India
1. Chambers of Akhil Sibal, Senior Advocate, New Delhi
- Role: Associate Lawyer
2. Anand and Anand, New Delhi
- Role: [Position]
3. Visiting Lecturer, National Law University, Delhi
- Role: Visiting Lecturer
Pradeep has more than 17 years of experience in litigation, focusing on the High Court of Delhi and the Supreme Court of India. He began his career in the Chambers of Akhil Sibal, Senior Advocate, where he was associated for 13 years. Pradeep has represented clients across various sectors, including infrastructure, tender matters, white-collar crimes, black money litigation, criminal law, arbitration, family succession, service law, educational matters, and prevention of money laundering. As an arguing counsel and seasoned solicitor, he specializes in advising clients and devising litigation strategies.